Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - December (wip)


 The stare of this wolf became just as captivating as I wanted to! Also, the bright red roses together with the dark gray and blue tones of the wolf gave this painting an atmosphere exactly as I imagined it. Obviously, I'm very happy about the way this illustration turned out. Though, I don't think this calendar has a single illustration that I wouldn't be happy with. If you ask me, they all turned out real good!

I started painting the roses very attentively. The two first roses took me probably the same amount of time as the rest of the roses all together. It was after struggling with those two roses for what felt like too much time to be using for such simple flowers that I decided to trash the delicacy and just smash the colors in, proceeding 10 times faster now. To my (happy) surprise, the remaining roses became even better than the first two ones, teaching me that it is not always the amount of attention and time you give to something that makes it good. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just go for the fastest and easiest solution.

You can now buy the calendar on Wonder SHOP

The time-lapse video of the painting process of this wolf is coming soon on Jasuwonderworld YouTube channel

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My Wonderful Artist Life Comic Diary - Part 3
Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - November (wip)

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Comments 1

Guest - sergio29 sergio29 on Tuesday, 04 December 2018 09:10


Amazing :)
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