JWW 2024 Calendar - All the Squirrels


The 2024 calendar season is pretty much over and soon it's time for me to start working on the illustrations for the next calendar! But before we get there, I want to share all the work-in-progress material I collected of the 2024 illustrations. The 2024 calendar had a variety of detailed illustrations of squirrels, bunnies and ...

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  474 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - August


Long time no blog post! But that's because the last couple of months of 2021 I was too busy to prioritize making blog posts. Instead, I prioritized getting sufficient sleep in order to be able to finish my busy season while maintaining mental sanity, which I did and I'm most proud!   But that's enough of that. Now, let me share the w...

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  1543 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - July


I wanted the illustration of July to be warm and peaceful; A beautiful Summer's day with nature in its full bloom. There's all the time in the world to just comfortably relax and enjoy the soft scent of Summer, flowers, and sunshine. Here's the very first tiny sketch that the illustration is based on. My initial s...

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  1579 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - May


I was beyond excited to create a calendar illustration starring my favorite dragon and the main character of the "dragon story", which you might have heard me mention before. If you haven't: for some years now I've had an idea for a story about this girl and this dragon. In time I'll create this story as a comic, but meanwhile, ...

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  1939 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - April


If you think the girl in this illustration looks a little like me, then you wouldn't be wrong. This girl's appearance was inspired by what happens when my hair has been braided for a few days. You can find her outfit in my wardrobe too.  I wanted this illustration to have strong "spring vibes" and included a few things that bring tha...

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  1534 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - March


What I absolutely love about creating this calendar is that thanks to the lineart in the illustrations I can be abundant with details and not need to worry the artwork is going to take too much of my time. When I look at my illustrations they often have stories to tell me, and I feel that with this calendar that is mor...

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  1455 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - February


Shouldn't be a surprise I like all things magical, and since it's all about "A Window to Another World", a little bit of magic here and there is definitely happening.  Is it just a dream that the little girl is having, or are these beautiful creatures really passing by the window? One of the puppies is wide awake, and his attention has ce...

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  1582 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - January


The creation of Jasu Wonder World calendar has begun early this year. For 2022, the theme of the calendar will be "A Window to Another World". We'll be seeing a lot of different windows, that's for sure, and for January I wanted to capture the atmosphere of a cold winter day. I wanted the illustration to look freezing and warm at the same time. Bas...

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  1622 Hits

Happy Otter - JWW 2021 Calendar "In the Wonder World"


This illustration of May was finished a while ago, and here's finally the blog post where you'll see the finished illustration and all the work-in-progress material. Just like all the other illustrations in this calendar, I wanted to add a little touch of magic and wonder into this one as well. That's why the lily pads are growing high ab...

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  2319 Hits