JWW 2024 Calendar - All the Squirrels


The 2024 calendar season is pretty much over and soon it's time for me to start working on the illustrations for the next calendar! But before we get there, I want to share all the work-in-progress material I collected of the 2024 illustrations.

The 2024 calendar had a variety of detailed illustrations of squirrels, bunnies and mice, and I decided to divide the wip material into three posts, according to the animals. Thus, the first of the three posts is all about the squirrel illustrations in the calendar, enjoy! :) 

The illustration of January 

The illustration of April

The illustration of August

The illustration of October

Below you find the scanned versions of all the four paintings. The originals are not yet available for purchase on my online store, but if you're interested in buying one of these originals, don't hesitate to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Saturday, 27 July 2024