JWW 2022 Calendar - October


And so we continue the journey through the remaining calendar illustrations. This time I give you the wip material of October, enjoy! On the right there's a picture of the original quick sketch the illustration is based on. At first, there was only one kid involved, and I thought I'd make him a boy. But when I started to sketch ...

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  1169 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - September


After finishing all my accounting work and tax reports for 2021, I finally have time for another blog post, yay! This time I share the work-in-progress material of September from my 2022 calendar. On the right you see the tiny sketch I made to summarize the idea of the illustration before switching to the actual watercolor paper. The very last cale...

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  1470 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - August


Long time no blog post! But that's because the last couple of months of 2021 I was too busy to prioritize making blog posts. Instead, I prioritized getting sufficient sleep in order to be able to finish my busy season while maintaining mental sanity, which I did and I'm most proud!   But that's enough of that. Now, let me share the w...

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  1538 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - July


I wanted the illustration of July to be warm and peaceful; A beautiful Summer's day with nature in its full bloom. There's all the time in the world to just comfortably relax and enjoy the soft scent of Summer, flowers, and sunshine. Here's the very first tiny sketch that the illustration is based on. My initial s...

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  1575 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - June


We move on with the calendar illustrations!  Today you get to see the illustration of June. If you follow me on social media, you might be aware that I finished all the 12 calendar illustrations some time ago. That means there are several blog posts to be made about them! ;) That said, let's move to the creation of June... I only now real...

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  1755 Hits

Young Prince - Watercolor Painting Commission


It's been forever since I published a blog post! Tells you how busy I've been. But now that I got all the calendar illustrations finished, I finally have time to do something on this blog as well. This time I'm going to share a commission I created at the end of May, but which I kept as a secret until now (because of the commissioner's request...

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  2038 Hits

A Wedding and a Birthday; The Creation of Two Custom Cards


So far all the card commissions I've got have been very fun to create! What makes them especially fun in my opinion, is that they're small scale artworks and take less time to finish, thus, they don't really require much patience. In other words; they're easy. :'D This wedding card I created last year. I got to create it based on my own vision...

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  1924 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - May


I was beyond excited to create a calendar illustration starring my favorite dragon and the main character of the "dragon story", which you might have heard me mention before. If you haven't: for some years now I've had an idea for a story about this girl and this dragon. In time I'll create this story as a comic, but meanwhile, ...

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  1936 Hits

My Wonderful Artist Life Comic Diary - Part 14


To get to the comic diary update where I start covering my healing journey, click here 

  1736 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - April


If you think the girl in this illustration looks a little like me, then you wouldn't be wrong. This girl's appearance was inspired by what happens when my hair has been braided for a few days. You can find her outfit in my wardrobe too.  I wanted this illustration to have strong "spring vibes" and included a few things that bring tha...

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  1531 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - March


What I absolutely love about creating this calendar is that thanks to the lineart in the illustrations I can be abundant with details and not need to worry the artwork is going to take too much of my time. When I look at my illustrations they often have stories to tell me, and I feel that with this calendar that is mor...

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  1453 Hits

My Wonderful Artist Life Comic Diary - Part 13

  1524 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - February


Shouldn't be a surprise I like all things magical, and since it's all about "A Window to Another World", a little bit of magic here and there is definitely happening.  Is it just a dream that the little girl is having, or are these beautiful creatures really passing by the window? One of the puppies is wide awake, and his attention has ce...

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  1580 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - January


The creation of Jasu Wonder World calendar has begun early this year. For 2022, the theme of the calendar will be "A Window to Another World". We'll be seeing a lot of different windows, that's for sure, and for January I wanted to capture the atmosphere of a cold winter day. I wanted the illustration to look freezing and warm at the same time. Bas...

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  1620 Hits

Over 40 Seals in One Painting - A Commissioned Watercolor Painting


 In summer 2020 I got to create this very detailed watercolor painting with more than 40 seals in it! Definitely one of those paintings that properly test my patience. The original size of this commission was A2 (59,4 x 42 cm) and the client had a few specific things she wanted included into the painting. Some examples of these are t...

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  1656 Hits

My Wonderful Artist Life Comic Diary - Part 12


As a little bonus, below you see a page from the very first finished comic I created about the girl and the Pegasus. The page on the right is from Niki's story.

  1480 Hits

Faunus Lady - A Commissioned Digital Logo Design


Last summer I was commissioned a logo for an online store. The client wanted it done digitally, which I was delighted about since I very rarely get to do such commissions. The idea of the logo was to have a portrait of a faunus lady, vaguely resembling the face of the commissioner. Foresty tones, such as different greens and browns,&...

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  2404 Hits

My Wonderful Artist Life Comic Diary - Part 11, My Artist Life Update

  1455 Hits

JWW 2021 Calendar - October, November, December


The calendar season is over and it's time to say goodbye to JWW 2021 calendar (and start working on 2022 calendar illustrations). In this blog post I present you with the work-in-progress pictures of the last three illustrations of the calendar; October, November and December.  I also want to thank each and every person who bought a Jasu ...

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  1782 Hits

JWW 2021 Calendar - June, July, August and September


I was convinced I would only have a chance to make a new blog post in January 2021, but it turns out I was wrong. Since this evening it's snowing outside and I cannot do my usual calendar/book sales, I decided to give you some work-in-progress material of my wonderful 2021 calendar! I'm going to introduce June, July, August and September,...

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  1979 Hits