Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2020


Finally I have the time to write a new blog post! Needless to say, the past couple of months have been the busiest of my life. However, now that the Christmas-sales-season is over, I have successfully made a schedule for myself, to get piles of work done, and I've made sure that this schedule has time reserved for blog posts too.

That said, let's talk about my 2020 calendar. The theme for this year was cats and dogs; a very basic, sweet idea and heart-warming 12 illustrations. Compared to 2019 calendar this one wasn't much of a challenge for me, which was a good thing for I might've run out of time with a more challenging theme. Below you'll find two galleries with all the work-in-progress pictures of these 12 illustrations. Enjoy and let me know if you have a favorite!

These original illustrations are available for purchase, except for October (cat and a full moon). Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested in purchasing an original painting. All the calendar illustrations are A4-sized and priced between 100 and 200 euros.

I have already sketched the calendar illustrations for 2021 and I intend to make it more challenging with a fairytale-theme. I don't want to reveal too much about this calendar yet but I will try with all my might to get it done well on time. For the past two years I've tried to get the calendar finished before the last quarter of the year, but always failed due to other, more urgent work. My hopes are that my current tight scheduling of work time will finally allow me to finish the calendar illustrations early enough. We'll see...

The last 2020 calendars are now at discount here on Wonder SHOP. The discount ends as soon as the calendars run out (and I only have a few left) so grab yours now if you haven't done so already!

Follow my art projects and be among the first ones to find out more about the next calendar by following me on social media:




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Thanks for reading and see you again!

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My Wonderful Artist Life - Comic Diary, Part 5
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Wednesday, 12 March 2025