JWW 2024 Calendar - All the Squirrels


The 2024 calendar season is pretty much over and soon it's time for me to start working on the illustrations for the next calendar! But before we get there, I want to share all the work-in-progress material I collected of the 2024 illustrations. The 2024 calendar had a variety of detailed illustrations of squirrels, bunnies and ...

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JWW 2023 Calendar: January


And so it goes that once I'm done with the sales of the previous calendar, it's time to start working on the next one. Jasu Wonder World 2023 calendar theme is: "Horses!" For a long while I thought I'd do a different theme, but chose horse-theme right at the end of 2022 because it's been so long I've drawn/painted any horses and it might ...

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Watercolor Painting Commission: Cat on a Flower-Filled Forest Clearing


It's been 7 months since the completion of this commission, and finally Jasu is here to share it on her blog! This commission was another pet portrait, but this time it wasn't just facial portrait but I got to paint the whole cat and a pretty detailed background as well!Without further ado, let's get to the creation process of this painting! H...

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  1943 Hits

JWW 2021 Calendar - October, November, December


The calendar season is over and it's time to say goodbye to JWW 2021 calendar (and start working on 2022 calendar illustrations). In this blog post I present you with the work-in-progress pictures of the last three illustrations of the calendar; October, November and December.  I also want to thank each and every person who bought a Jasu ...

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2021 Calendar "In the Wonder World" - January


After several years of trying to finish my calendar well in time, it seems this year I actually have a chance to do so. This is all thanks to the fact that Corona-virus has given me plenty of time to focus on my art creation.  This year the theme for the calendar is "In the Wonder World" and it will have 12 fantasy/fairy tale themed ...

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