JWW 2022 Calendar - April


If you think the girl in this illustration looks a little like me, then you wouldn't be wrong. This girl's appearance was inspired by what happens when my hair has been braided for a few days. You can find her outfit in my wardrobe too.  I wanted this illustration to have strong "spring vibes" and included a few things that bring tha...

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  1531 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - March


What I absolutely love about creating this calendar is that thanks to the lineart in the illustrations I can be abundant with details and not need to worry the artwork is going to take too much of my time. When I look at my illustrations they often have stories to tell me, and I feel that with this calendar that is mor...

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  1453 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - February


Shouldn't be a surprise I like all things magical, and since it's all about "A Window to Another World", a little bit of magic here and there is definitely happening.  Is it just a dream that the little girl is having, or are these beautiful creatures really passing by the window? One of the puppies is wide awake, and his attention has ce...

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  1580 Hits

JWW 2022 Calendar - January


The creation of Jasu Wonder World calendar has begun early this year. For 2022, the theme of the calendar will be "A Window to Another World". We'll be seeing a lot of different windows, that's for sure, and for January I wanted to capture the atmosphere of a cold winter day. I wanted the illustration to look freezing and warm at the same time. Bas...

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  1620 Hits

JWW 2021 Calendar - October, November, December


The calendar season is over and it's time to say goodbye to JWW 2021 calendar (and start working on 2022 calendar illustrations). In this blog post I present you with the work-in-progress pictures of the last three illustrations of the calendar; October, November and December.  I also want to thank each and every person who bought a Jasu ...

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  1782 Hits

JWW 2021 Calendar - June, July, August and September


I was convinced I would only have a chance to make a new blog post in January 2021, but it turns out I was wrong. Since this evening it's snowing outside and I cannot do my usual calendar/book sales, I decided to give you some work-in-progress material of my wonderful 2021 calendar! I'm going to introduce June, July, August and September,...

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  1979 Hits

Happy Otter - JWW 2021 Calendar "In the Wonder World"


This illustration of May was finished a while ago, and here's finally the blog post where you'll see the finished illustration and all the work-in-progress material. Just like all the other illustrations in this calendar, I wanted to add a little touch of magic and wonder into this one as well. That's why the lily pads are growing high ab...

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  2316 Hits

The King of the Forest - JWW 2021 Calendar, "In the Wonder World"


I've painted several different deer, but this is only my second moose. My first painting featuring a moose is actually an illustration in the story of Sebastian; you see, Sebastian's teacher is a moose. This moose that I painted for the upcoming calendar is a bit more realistic, but not too realistic, since the calendar is ...

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  2600 Hits

JWW Calendar 2021 - March


At the moment, I have finished 5 of the total 12 calendar illustrations for my 2021 calendar. This blog post features March, the dragon!  If you've been following me on my social media, you probably know I have a great passion for dragons, thus I was absolutely delighted to paint this particular illustration. I deliberately chose to make ...

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  2168 Hits

2021 Calendar "In the Wonder World" - February


The illustration of February was very simple and took me only a few hours to finish. My main idea was to have a dark pond/lake in the middle of a forest, with everything dark and still. I wanted the scene to radiate silence so deep you can almost hear it from the image. The unicorn is in the center of the painting; it is the only source of light in...

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  2509 Hits

2021 Calendar "In the Wonder World" - January


After several years of trying to finish my calendar well in time, it seems this year I actually have a chance to do so. This is all thanks to the fact that Corona-virus has given me plenty of time to focus on my art creation.  This year the theme for the calendar is "In the Wonder World" and it will have 12 fantasy/fairy tale themed ...

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  1769 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2020


Finally I have the time to write a new blog post! Needless to say, the past couple of months have been the busiest of my life. However, now that the Christmas-sales-season is over, I have successfully made a schedule for myself, to get piles of work done, and I've made sure that this schedule has time reserved for blog posts too...

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  2754 Hits

New T-shirt Designs


If you're wondering why there's been silent on this blog during the past few months, it's because of a little renovation it went through. However, the wait is over now and I can present you the work-in-progress material of my two recently finished t-shirt designs!  "Foliage Fox" The first design was a fox (surprise!). The orange-red fur o...

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  3789 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - December (wip)


 The stare of this wolf became just as captivating as I wanted to! Also, the bright red roses together with the dark gray and blue tones of the wolf gave this painting an atmosphere exactly as I imagined it. Obviously, I'm very happy about the way this illustration turned out. Though, I don't think this calendar has a single illustration that ...

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  3161 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - November (wip)


Long time no (painting) horses! But now, here's one for you. I must admit all I can think of when it comes to horses is my upcoming first-of-its-kind Jasu Wonder World comic which is full of horses! If you haven't heard about this future comic yet, I warmly recommend to check out my Instagram. You'll find some sketches of Alex and Roberta, a young ...

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  2934 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - October (wip)


Now that I have painted my first swan, I came to realize that when it comes to birds, I've mostly been drawing and painting owls exclusively. This painting became generally more blue than I planned but once I was finished I actually liked it more this way. I intended to make the painting more gray but I think it might've made the atmosphere too mel...

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  2584 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - September (wip)


Yet again, the first time for me to paint an animal: This time a mouse. I did a little dive into the anatomy of a mouse before starting to work on this painting and for some reason I found it very fascinating how thin and tiny legs they have. Mouses look like fluffy balls of fur on four little sticks. That said, enjoy this little bal...

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  2807 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - August (wip)


I hope you all know by now that the calendar, including the illustration featured in this blog post, is now available for purchase on Wonder SHOP. There are multiple languages to be chosen for your calendar (Finnish, English, German, French and Spanish) and the calendar comes in two sizes: A4 and A3.  Then now, enjoy the work-in-progress pictu...

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  3016 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - July (wip)


This is the first domestic cat painting I've created during my career as an artist of Jasu Wonder World. I almost can't believe it took nearly two years for this to happen. And now I'm actually planning on painting some more domestic cats in the not-so-distant future. But, about that I will tell you more only when/if this particular plan gets ...

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  3008 Hits

Jasu Wonder World Calendar 2019 - June (wip)


 Halfway there! (even though, at the time this post is being published I'm almost done with all the illustrations) The original being only A4-sized and the painting itself being relatively simple, this bunny took me surprisingly long time to finish (10-12 hours). The flowers around her were the most time-consuming. However, I became faster wit...

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  2682 Hits