Watercolor Painting Commission - Double Dog Portrait


The first artwork I made in 2022; dog portrait commission with not just one but two furry friends; Finnish Lapphund and Samoyed.  It turns out I forgot to take pictures of the sketches but here are photos of the painting process. The Samoyed was so much more challenging to paint than the Lapphund because of its white fur. The reference ph...

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  2561 Hits

Watercolor Painting Commission: Cat on a Flower-Filled Forest Clearing


It's been 7 months since the completion of this commission, and finally Jasu is here to share it on her blog! This commission was another pet portrait, but this time it wasn't just facial portrait but I got to paint the whole cat and a pretty detailed background as well!Without further ado, let's get to the creation process of this painting! H...

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  2423 Hits

Young Prince - Watercolor Painting Commission


It's been forever since I published a blog post! Tells you how busy I've been. But now that I got all the calendar illustrations finished, I finally have time to do something on this blog as well. This time I'm going to share a commission I created at the end of May, but which I kept as a secret until now (because of the commissioner's request...

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  2264 Hits

A Wedding and a Birthday; The Creation of Two Custom Cards


So far all the card commissions I've got have been very fun to create! What makes them especially fun in my opinion, is that they're small scale artworks and take less time to finish, thus, they don't really require much patience. In other words; they're easy. :'D This wedding card I created last year. I got to create it based on my own vision...

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  2164 Hits

Over 40 Seals in One Painting - A Commissioned Watercolor Painting


 In summer 2020 I got to create this very detailed watercolor painting with more than 40 seals in it! Definitely one of those paintings that properly test my patience. The original size of this commission was A2 (59,4 x 42 cm) and the client had a few specific things she wanted included into the painting. Some examples of these are t...

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  1897 Hits

Faunus Lady - A Commissioned Digital Logo Design


Last summer I was commissioned a logo for an online store. The client wanted it done digitally, which I was delighted about since I very rarely get to do such commissions. The idea of the logo was to have a portrait of a faunus lady, vaguely resembling the face of the commissioner. Foresty tones, such as different greens and browns,&...

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  2638 Hits

My Second Cat Portrait Commission


This post is all about a commissioned watercolor painting I created in the beginning of summer. Before starting to work on the painting, I showed the client the cat portrait I had made a year ago. She liked the composition and we agreed I'd make this portrait in a similar way. The client had a list of certain plants that she wan...

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  4496 Hits

A Custom Birthday Card Commission


The first time I got to create a digitally colored drawing as a commission! I mean, I do love watercolors but it was nice to do something a little different. Painting with watercolors is after all, to me, the most time (and brain-energy) consuming way of creating art. This cheerful fox was a custom design for a birthday card. The cli...

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  3036 Hits

The Creation of My Biggest Watercolor Painting Commission


Nine rats living in a fantasy forest; the most detailed large-scale painting I've ever done so far. The painting process took me about one and a half months from start to finish, though I should point out I did not work on this commission full-time. I also had other tasks and projects that I worked on during that time....

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  2951 Hits

The Creation of a Custom Wedding Card


While I was still working on my biggest single watercolor painting commission (a blog post about that will be up later on), I created this simple custom wedding card for a family member. It was nice to make something small and simple after spending so much time on the big commission. The only instruction I got for this wedding card w...

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  3249 Hits

Cat Portrait - Commission


So far, I have had the chance to create portraits of humans and dogs, but this time it was, for the first time, a cat. This particular cat had had a special relationship with pansies, and the commissioner wanted to have her furry friend portrayed with them, thus I got the idea of the kitty being surrounded with these flowers, holding one&...

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  3929 Hits

3 Commissions for 3 Businesses


Just before the busy summer-sales-season, I got to create three commissions that were all for three different businesses. The first one was a logo design, second a caricature for a business card, and the third another logo design. I'm sharing the work-in-progress material here as usual, with some more details about the creation processes ...

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  2819 Hits

Wedding Portrait - Commission (wip)


This painting took me surprisingly little time considering it was A2-sized. But then again, the commissioner wished the painting to remain rather simple and wanted the surroundings of the couple to be blurry. So, at the end, the only places where I really needed to pay attention were the faces of the two people, and their upper bodies. As can ...

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  2966 Hits

I needed to paint this commission three times to be satisfied...


At the end, not giving up was certainly the right thing to do with this commission.  To me, it is really important that I can be proud of the artworks that I create, especially when it is a commission. I believe when I can look at my painting and know that I've truly and honestly given it my best, the client will be happy with i...

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© Jasu Wonder World 2018

  5091 Hits



Ever since I drew my first flower-hedgehog as one of my 2017 inktober drawings, the idea of a hedgehog carrying flowers in her back instead of spikes, has been very popular. This is why I wanted to draw another hedgehog for my coloring book (all the three versions are now available on Wonder SHOP) and now, I was commissioned to create this flo...

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  3084 Hits



 If you follow me on social media, you've most certainly seen some pictures of a Shetland sheep dog a while ago. I had the honor of drawing four portraits of this lovely dog as a commission. It was the first time someone commissioned me a dog portrait, and also the first time the technique requested was ink drawing. However, since I'm ver...

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  3110 Hits



The commissioner wanted me to create "Alice in Wonderland"-themed drawing for their friend. The man in the drawing was to resemble one of her original characters and there were a few items the commissioner wanted to include into the artwork, but everything else I could decide on my own as long as the drawing would maintain its theme. Below you'll f...

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  3566 Hits



Sure, my plan was to make this commission a cute one. That's what the client wanted after all. But somehow, the way this little fellow turned out has even more of cuteness than I intended. Needless to say, I'm very happy with this painting of mine and I hope the client is going to like it as much as I do. Then, of course, the work-in-progress pictu...

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  3564 Hits



One of the most pleasant commissions I've ever received! Honestly, I've enjoyed every single commission I've had a chance to create so far, but the subject of this particular painting was something that I can imagine myself painting just for the fun of it. The instructions I got from the client for this painting were: wolf, forest, full moon, blue ...

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  3790 Hits



 This commission was finished in one single day. I did work on it all day long but it was still nice to get it done so swiftly (I'm used to spending several days on my paintings). I guess I was overly excited to paint the unicorn since I forgot to take the picture of the sketch before starting the coloring. Click on the picture on the lef...

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  3349 Hits